NewsFeed FAQ

Richmond BizSense: Daily Email Newsfeed


For Richmond’s business leaders, information is money.  That’s why thousands of business professionals check Richmond BizSense every morning for insightful business news and analysis.

Very valuable…everyone here at our office looks at it!” –Dorsey, Wright & Associates


BizSense readers are savvy.  They research purchases online, check the news throughout the day and value local stories that affect their businesses, careers, and personal lives.

BizSense readers are also ambitious.  They’re looking to expand their networks and their businesses.  A story about a company today is a new contact for tomorrow (or later today).

  • The daily newsfeed reaches over 8,000 opt-in subscribers daily.
  • The newsfeed attracts an average of 55 subscribers per week.
  • Currently, the newsfeed has a 40% open rate, daily, and a 90% click rate amongst opens.
  • Average newsfeed readers is:
    • 60% male; 40% female
    • within the 35-55 age range
    • 80% earn more than $100,000 annually; 25% earn more than $200,000
    • 75% check BizSense every week day; 80% say BizSense is helpful at work
    • 84% would click on an ad if it had information they wanted to learn more about.


Q: Who owns the site?

A: BizSense is wholly owned and operated by Dyno Media LLC, a Richmond-based media company that invests in new online ventures and helps media companies around the country improve their news and web convergence.  We’ve worked with local publications and international firms such as Bloomberg.

BizSense employs writers and copy editors with decades of experience from both the Richmond Times-Dispatch and national publications.

Q: Why should I advertise in the Newsfeed?

A: Because it’s the most cost-effective way to reach one of the most coveted audiences in the Tri-Cities area.  BizSense Newsfeed subscribers are affluent and savvy and exist in the business community.  We also reach a strong contingency of C-level employees and decision makers.  By having the Newsfeed placed in front of those eyes every single day, you know you’re reaching the people you need to reach.  Unlike radio, television, and print you’re reaching a highly focused group of people interested in seeing your message.

Q: What if I can’t afford a Newsfeed ad?

A: We’ve made advertising in the Newsfeed accessible to businesses with budgetary concerns.  Rather than going the more conventional rout (placing an ad in one spot for the entire month), BizSense has divided the Newsfeed ads into three categories: 2-day per week insertions, 3-day per week insertions, and 5-day per week insertions.  That enables us to work with varying budgetary concerns, while still delivering your unique branding message to the business community you need.

Q: What’s keeping BizSense from folding in six months?

A: Motivated employees and a solid business plan.  The company is profitable because BizSense fills a niche.  It’s the only daily business outlet in Richmond, a region that is growing and also recognized as the best state for business (according to Forbes magazine).

To reach this highly coveted audience, or gain more information on newsfeed advertising, please send an email to [email protected].

Click here for current Richmond BizSense Demographic information